Friday, January 30, 2009

What a week...

Well i sit here on a Friday... awaiting all things necessary and planned...

1. (planned)tonight is "family ice skating nite" sponsored by my son's school (as a fundraiser)... we are all about supporting the school... so we prepare for the much needed balancing act we need to succeed at... wish us luck... aaron called me this week and asked me should brennen wear his bicycle helmet...then i wondered... maybe...maybe not... i told him i don't want to embarrass him... however... what if is wasn't made for the physiological aspects/angles of a fall??... ... we are bringing it anyway!! hidden in a bag... then Brennen says... "but dad...aren't we going to hold hands?? i don't need a helmet..." aaron and i laughed... sure can't hold his hand when we go falling (we thought)....anyways... pray for the mccabe family....

2. (planned)Brennen has soccer practice tomorrow.... we just finished his last season in December and he was a little hesitant about joining again... you know i'm new to this whole sports mommy thing... for starters sports came fairly easy to me as a kid.. i sure wasn't great... however i was determined... well my son is a little shy... at first i encouraged him lightly... then a little more...then attempted to teach him to think 2-3 steps ahead... that didn't work... then i tried stern encouragement... that made him cry... so i am out of suggestions... so tomorrow i will watch... encourage.... again... hopefully i can figure this out....

3. (planned) Watch the Superbowl: Go Cardinals!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I hope they win... although i believe the odds are 40:1 (per Vegas) i think they have a great chance to prove everyone wrong... i don't plan on hitting up any parties to watch it... since it takes place on a Sunday evening... i'd rather watch it with pizza and wings and in my jammies... that Kurt Warner sure takes my breath away... lol....

4. (domestic duties - necessary) well for starters ... I seriously purged and kick my house's trash to the curb last weekend!!! I started Saturday morning at 7am and continued until 2pm. I accomplished SOOOOOOO much!!! which is rare... I was pleasantly surprised with myself... and my family was also in the spirit of cleaning.. (another rarity)..usually we have the spirit of cleaning at all different times and tend to annoy each other rather than help... so this weekend all i really need to do is put laundry away... finish up a couple of loads....give nevaeh a bath.....and do a little organizing.... otherwise pretty painless...

5. oil change(necessary)......

6. ride the new light rail.... aaron and i wanted to take brennen on the new and improved light rail...for the heck of it... and well to say that we rode it...

7. go to church... and pray...

I think that's it!!! wish me luck getting things all done... good luck to you.... and your planned and necessary agenda!!

Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Newest Kicks:

I am a true believer that our energy output is cyclical... it has extreme highs and lows... well here's a current list of things that have come into my life... for the bettter...

1. Coffee - thanks to a recent gift the ultimate keurig coffee maker... my life changed for the best... mmm this lovely machine cranks out a individualized, custom made coffee, piping hot tea or velvety hot chocolate in less than a minute!!! With absolutely little to no clean up!!! Splendid!!! ( I should be getting this machine for free... i think i have done some much deserved PR work for this company and convinced some buyers to invest..anyway... this machine is great!!! ) I think I may have even conviced my very best friend sina and close relatives to purchase one. The k-cups can be a little costly, but if you purchase this machine at Costco, you will get the filter (and add your own coffee to it).

2. Nip Tuck - if you never got in on the whole obsession of the series... start now... but don't start with what they are showing on FX ... start from season one... and go in order... this is a great series of shows for the secretely twisted and what a story line!!! Soap Operas have nothing on this show!! I was hooked about four shows in... but you have to make it through the first four to five shows.... can be a little gruesome... but totally worth it... thanks carrie, sara, and sina!!! I have also been told to watch 24... haven't heard much about it... will let you know when I do....

3. Nike Air Shox!!! Shoes are not just shoes until you own a pair... these kicked all the others to shame... wow... my feet are spoiled!!! thanks boo for my wonderful "glitterfied" pair!!(my brother)...might be looking to purchase another pair soon.... get a pair... and spoil your feet!!

4. Jon and Kate plus 8.... I know this show is the recent buzz... however... I love reality tv... don't get that confused with those flava flav shows... I love the whole unedited version of child raising... i sure need the ideas... something to help me keep my five year old in line....

5. Italian Charm Bracelets... I love collecting those little charms!!! Currently I have: S (shannon), (A) Aaron, B (Brennen), M (McCabe), Cardinals, NY Giants, I love christ, disneyland, a pic of my cat and dog, i love to scrap, coffee lover, gambling chip (to represent my magical blackjack skills), I dream of jeannie (one of my all time favorite shows... back... back in the day), and sea world... i was looking at them this past weekend and did a little splurging and bought more... I love it... I wear it daily and will never be caught without it... try one... you'll even spot out others who are wearing them (and get a little excited)... and want to see which ones they have... it's kind of like "me" on a bracelet...

6. Reading: I am an avid reader when I am inspired... I do make it a little difficult for myself to finish books quickly... because I can't say no to starting one... so I have about four to five books that I am reading right now.....I ususally will frequent the "chic" literature, inspirational, parenting, hobbies/crafts, and others that seem to catch my eye... I am horrible and probably could stay in Barnes and Noble for hours... maybe days if they stayed open 24 hours a day!!! lol... i kill myself....

7. Scrapbooking: Boy... this is a great and exciting should try it... I still struggle with channeling the creative side to get my projects done... and honestly at times find it difficult to become inspired... but you will..... message me if your interested and would like some tips to start... i would be more than willing to help you out....i will post picture as i get projects done...

8. Taking Pictures!!! I took this challenge at the beginning of the year.. and that was to take pictures of what's going on now... simple moments in life to remember this year... and at the end of each month scrapbook one page... bringing all those pictures onto one collage... surrounded with journaled thoughts... it has been really fun!!!

9. Ribbon.....i think its a little obsessive and is tied in with scrapbooking... but I love ribbon and embellishments.... i get excited just writing and thinking about it... i'm sick ... i know... and its pretty funny that i have not met a cute little spool of ribbon that I haven't liked... i love it!!!! I even tied a cute polka dot ribbon on my belongings like...cell phone chargers, scissors, keys... and find it really easy to spot and grab... try it....

So far thats it.... but I'm sure i left others out... not realizing ... but I'll let you know..... have a great day!!!

Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Resolutions for 2009!

Well of course with the new year... comes the resolutions... lets see... for starters:

1. Remind myself to live in the moment... what is that you may say?? well .... I am so busy at times planning my next daunting or exciting task I forget to smell the roses... so I will make a concerted effort and begin to do so.

2. Make more offerings to others...and teach my son to do so as well.

3. print my pictures!!! I am the worst and probably the only one on this earth that has 10 memory cards for my camera that are full of pictures!!!

4. once those pictures are printed... scrap them!!! I have sooo many beautiful projects (courtesy of Susan Mast- my scrapping instructor)I have made to display my pictures, however they continue to sit empty....and post pictures to inspire you....

5. Begin dating my treadmill three times per week.... :0) yup.... need to get on a routine...

6. Get Cleaning!!!... get rid of things I don't use and give them to someone who can put them to good more hoarding!!! especially saving things that I know I will not use for the sake of keeping them to feel whole!!! yeah ... yeah... I need to see a pyschiatrists for a psychological a side note***don't you hate it and please fess up... don't you hate it when you get into those "cleaning modes" and get rid of a whole lot of stuff and then 6 months pass by and then all of a sudden you need it and go looking... only to realize that you lost it (not gave it or chucked it away) and begin to blame others for throwing it away??... because you know that you would of never let it go and you remembered where it was last at??? yeah I know... but i'm not crazy.... bottomline... reduce the stuff in my life!

7. Balance my checkbook.... I was so good and would gasp at the thought of others when they told me they never balanced their checkbooks... well I have fallen into that catergory... I hate to admit it, but i did.... i know ...i know... Suze Orman would shame me....

8. Read and Laugh more!!!

So far that's a start... I will keep you posted.....and good luck to all you, who have made resolutions....stick to them!!

Tuesday, January 13, 2009

my first blog....

as i wonder what my first blog is suppose to entail... i sit and wonder... then wonder too much.... part of my personality.... i over analyze when i have too many choices... hence either doing everything or nothing at all... that's me... all or nothing..and it's usually all... as i embark on the year 2009... many promising changes begin to flash in my mind... turning the big three-0, my son beginning first grade....the new and wonderful experiences that are already unfolding....well lets back up for an intro....

In January 2006 Aaron and I moved to Phoenix in search of new and bigger things ...and found ourselves lost amongst the faces in the valley... feelings of doubt overcame us... but we decided to just jump in!!! no looking... little to no preparation... but the promise that we were going to do it together...we lived a year in the outskirts of phoenix... in a small developing site called Tramanto... soon we became acclimated to the whole city thing and moved smack-dab into the heart of Phoenix.... a little anxious but the payouts were exponential...i would gain 10+ hours of family time (rather than commuting)!!! And not to mention the cost involved with the then rising gas price.....

So I find myself today extremely blessed....with a husband...a five year old son.... one dog and a cat everyone is dying to take... a job i love... and a social network i am comfortable with....who knew two years ago i would be here.... ahhh... **reflecting**
Moving to the valley has allowed me to experience and learn the following:
1. rear-ending a person can lead to PTSD....yes i did that!
2. owning a COACH purse is a staple not a choice!
3. flagstaff-wear has to be secretly disowned...
4. don't just go to any old church that sends you a cute postcard! *i can explain*
5. carrying a new nalgene water bottle goes completely unnoticed..
6. holidays are so much more celebrated and decorated!!!
7. the state fair is so over-rated!

That's it for now... i will update as i adjust and notice....