Before I miss the "etiquette" updating deadline (if there is one) is a quick re-play...... This year we were sooo blessed that my parents came to us and we were spared the long jaunt up north (as you know.... we do that drive quite frequently)!
Our Christmas eve: started with last minute Christmas gift buying and runs to the grocery store... if this was Aaron's and Brennen's blog it would say, Christmas Eve: Golfed, Christmas Day: Golfed, the day after Christmas: golfed :) Yup! A-Dizzle and B-diddy lived it up at their pseudo man cave for three days straight.... but i didn't complain... my mom and i were able to gab about recent celebrity gossip, recent inspiring recipes, and decorating ideas... a time and place for no boys allowed :) Later that night we all decided to head out to the casino for some family bonding time.... who wouldn't bond after winning or losing money :)

Christmas morning was rough on our eyes.... our family was still soo sleepy from the late night. We woke in a rush to get all our Christmas presents opened so we could load the guys back up to make it to their tee time... :) I later laid back down and took a nap... and later woke up to


we did!
the remainder of the weekend was spent watching football, the guys wrestling, consuming 800 cajillion k-cups of coffee, movie quote wars (truth; aaron and my brother only speak to each other in movie quotes! - very strange) and ended with a sweaty competitive session of Let's Dance 2 on the wii (a gift to me, from my mom - thanks mom:)
I hope you had a memorable Christmas and took a lot of pictures!
XOXO, Shan :)