Numbero uno: bath and body works antibacterial soap.... back in the diz-ay i loved the beaded soap version and slowly grasped a love-hate relationship with it... because.... 1. it never fully empties....2. it pumps to a hand ratio of arsenio hall.... and those are some big hands... and the well the rest just goes wasted on the side of the container....... after some time the bbw folks know how to pull me in once again.... and made the anti-bacterial foam hand wash!!! switch-o change-o ... Shannon was back in love !! and every year they go on sale and we stock up! McCabe Staple #1 was born :)

exhibit A: hand soap hoarding... keeping it real... i suggest it in daily sale doses or if your like me go for the full monty!

Next item up.... William Sonoma hand towels.... ahhhh.... make me happy just saying it. They are abbbbbb soooooo lutely theeee BEST! and my opinion is not based on the material name.... but the quality!! they hands down will last longer than any other costco/ross/wally-world towel will.... let me introduce McCabe Staple # 2.......

Sorry for the babbling.... i am in that kind of weird-sorta kinda mood.... not truly feeling motivated to start the day... but had to share the things that keep me sane... come back for # 3 and #4.... :)