Last weekend... aaron, brennen and i decided to blow the dust off our bowling balls and have at it.... it was tons of fun!!!... not to mention ... i kicked both of their butts ..... yay!!!... i guess i still have it... :) i think aaron secretly wants a rematch... bring it on!!!
Here's a couple of pictures we took.... as you can see we were multi-tasking... bowling/photo montage...a requirement.....

This is aaron's version of the strike.... curve ball coupled with a sniper shot... guaranteed strike!!! at one point i think he thought he was going to make a come back and said to me "are you hungry???" all kookie eyed... and i said no... and he said.. "well here's your turkey"... which in bowling lingo.. means a third strike... yeah... didn't happen... haha!!!
as you can see in one of the pictures above... aaron's belly was peeking out... so i decided to do a little photo editing to help him out a bit... :) i think without it you get a full frontal from the belly button.... :) haha!! it was lots of fun!!!

This is aaron's version of the strike.... curve ball coupled with a sniper shot... guaranteed strike!!! at one point i think he thought he was going to make a come back and said to me "are you hungry???" all kookie eyed... and i said no... and he said.. "well here's your turkey"... which in bowling lingo.. means a third strike... yeah... didn't happen... haha!!!
we took many crazy and fun pictures.... it was pretty hilarious!!... people around us must of thought we were drinking... nope!! that was au naturale...
...in the end... we were exhausted from all the laughing we were ready to head home... of course brennen still worked on his golf swing during plays... a little golf obsessed? you think??