Tuesday, May 12, 2009

The new and improved!!

that's right!!! brennen came home with a note stating that he needed further evaluation for his vision... so aaron and i jumped at the task to get his vision checked... of course i assumed he had my lucky hawk eyes (20/15) ... nope... he scored a pair of aaron's vision genes.... oh well... he looks really cute!!!

he still is a little apprehensive about wearing them, but i'm sure with persistence and time he will not be able to live without them..... in the mean time he can SEE!!! :) that's all i could ask for... right?


  1. He looks so handsome in his new glasses!

  2. All three of my children have been wearing glasses since they were 2. Just cute! Little mini-owls. Anywyay, after a bit they got so used to it and would put them on as soon as they woke up. I guess once you can see the world clearly, you won't go back to blindness. He looks super cute! :) I love children in glasses. "Boys who wear glasses, have girls who make passes!" Anyway.......that's what I said to my son. HAHA!
