So here is a recap of the past 8 months... what the? (recounting on my hands... eyes widen..recount again...) yeah 8 months!!!!!!!!!... {feeling like a loser} .....go ahead and boo now... geez i would have to say slap me and curse me with bad handwriting!! well anyway... here's the cliff notes version:
- was the proudest mommy at Brennen's kindergarten graduation!!! seeing him walk across the stage... oops! and eat carpet was the icing on the cake... we came home with a full memory card and excitement to watch the video over and over and over and over... he was sooo happy to show everyone the part where he walked across the stage and completely biff it... after recovering gracefully, the rest of the day was priceless... at times i wish he was still a baby and confined to a square footage in the house... and another part of me loves to see him experience life!!
- he's now almost done with first grade!!!! we continue to swoon over all the new things he brings home... including the great grade reports.... we still have evenings where we struggle with him to get all of his homework done.... he can be very stubborn... (gets that from his dad...heehee :) getting him ready for each year is soooo exciting...... making lists to ensure we had all those beginning of the year supplies and clothes.... we secretly like it and wish that we had more kids .. but we don't and feel like total losers when we go to zoo and see couples gracefully taking care of the multiple tots! i'm sure beginning to miss the sippy cups and cute... cute... baby clothes!!! okay... i have to stop ...
- aaron and i celebrated our seven year wedding anniversary... we decided to opt. for a romantic dinner as a family at the melting pot... and believe me it was phenomenal!!! brennen was so intrigued by the fondue and the plethora of tasty flavors... he was in heaven... errr.... we were in heaven.... aaron and i reminiced about the wedding and all the toasts and quite hilarious memories that was part of our big day... :) thanks again to all those who shared the date with us!!! oh! almost forgot.... aaron and i always try and stick with the traditional gift guide and was a little stunted with the seven year.... copper / wool.... the gift does not have to be extravagent by any means.... and let me tell you... i went cheap... i first thought about those cheezy copper bracelets at a native trading post... heehee... and then maybe a wool blanket... blah!! this was harder than i thought!!! so of course i purchased my gift at the very last minute!!! i had an awesome idea.... i thought well... the gift has to be copper??? how about a cop-er!!! YES!!!! that was it.... i purchased from a mutiple array of shops ;) a cop outfit for aaron... he was stunned by my creativity... as i was with his.... he got me a huge stuffed pink sheep!!! for wool!!! overall the night was awesome!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! here's to seven years of marriage!!!!!!!!!... :0)..... now going on eight!
- Brennen started playing for the jgaa... junior golf association of arizona.. and has been doing amazing.... he has participated in five tournaments and did an awesome job!!! we took home 4 second place and 1 first place medal (s)!!!! the experience has been more than what i had expected... but sooo worth the ride.... now... he is moving onto other activities and has allowed some dust to settle on his clubs... but we should be up and at it come late feb.... i will keep you posted..
- im going to stop for now... but i will make it a task and requirement to keep you all posted... i will post things i find inspiring... challenging... and well... things that make me feel oh-so-good!!! so blow the dust off my blog and come back soon!!!
love, shannon
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