Thursday, September 8, 2011
Monday, September 5, 2011
This guy....
Although he is growing up soooo fast, i have to take every opportunity to catch all the milestones ... even when i may be super annoying and taking too many pictures..... that's a sacrifice i love making ;) He wants to push fast forward and live his grown pga life ... when all i want is for him to stay small and easy to carry forever.
Brennen, I love being your mom.

Reason #1 to start running.... the joy of buying new nike running shoes..... right?? or is it to be healthy?? i prefer the shoes... and well the feeling after you're done, even when you didn't think you would make it..... yup! one of the best feelings since....well, wearing your new Keds back in 6th grade :)
This week was pretty easy... i may have to say... it was an intro to running.... kind of like Running 101.... pretty equivalent to being Lindsey Lohan 101... step one... have one drink, and go home.. well you know how that turns out... i have a looooongggg way to go... and i may even be caught looking like her passed out in a mercedes... but on my couch exhausted, but sober. :) This week I am increasing the running interval times and tossing in a little Jillian action to assist in muscle tone.... ohhhh... Jillian we have a love hate relationship.... i love her body, but hate what she makes me do.....
Wishing you luck in your fittness goals.... hopefully i can one day be like my brother, who is a running machine... and run 26.2 miles.... but at least for now... i can settle for the .2.... lol! :) Have a wonderful day getting ready for the week!
Love, Shannon
Sunday, September 4, 2011
If the walls could talk....
However, before leaving the house... i managed to muster up enough energy to decorate a once bare wall, with a couple of decorative touches.... or clutter.... :) (you say toemaytoe... i say toemaytoe :)
Yesterday we went to Flagstaff for a quick road trip to take pictures, enjoy the nice cooler weather, visit with family & friends, and of course, eat lunch at LaFonda.... btw... has the best Saturday Special and $2.00 margarita!!!
With my two guys in tow I was even able to manager a quick shopping trip into Pier 1.... Thanks to my sister Tomi,she brought her hubby. Him and A babysat each other quite well :), while we made a couple laps around in the store... of course hitting up the sale racks!! who can't turn down items on sale... right?
So this morning.... i kept thinking about the things I have had laying... i mean storing around the house to collaborate on this bare wall... im sure not the next HGTV design star.. but hope you approve of this.. :)
not to be a sentimental mush or anything i bought the above picture because it reminded me of our Pastor.... he ALWAYS blesses us with this verse at the end of each church service and well.... it makes me feel special :)
a little closer look of the detail..... added texture to the wall.... i probably just made myself sound stupid... oh well... someone has to get this house decorated... right?!
Monday, August 1, 2011
Coupon Run = Success
Picture #1..... all purchased at Fry's.... paid $27.02 and saved $111.87!!! wahoooo!
picture 2..... score at walgreens a.k.a. WAGS!!! Paid a total of 13.46!!!! the toilet paper came in at 1.50 each!!!!!! wow.... i think we are ready to toilet paper a house!! :) jk!
Love, shan
Sunday, July 17, 2011
Baby, grab the car!
All items without coupons??? ...................................$276.95
Sunday, March 20, 2011
Totally Random Blabbing....
Sorry for the babbling.... i am in that kind of weird-sorta kinda mood.... not truly feeling motivated to start the day... but had to share the things that keep me sane... come back for # 3 and #4.... :)
Thursday, February 24, 2011

Well i hope everyone had a wonderful Valentine's day! we sure did... despite celebrating it after a long day at work on a monday... bleh.... we didn't do anything even similar to a romantic candle-lit dinner.... but neither one of us were disappointed....
aaron was a sweet heart and bought me something i always wanted!!!..... an all leather coach purse.... (insert the pig commercial squealing pig saying "weeeee" holding a pin wheel hanging out the window of the car).....
he scored a nook from his wifey..... at the beginning of the year we had a family new year's resolution of reading one book a month... well both guys have lapped me!!!! so i did some research between all the readers and decided on the nook..... after his initial start up.. he hasn't put it down... he was lucky to even get a cover with a built-in light to go with it..... as we drove away we tossed brennen $20.00 and said happy valentine's day.... he was happy! our evening ended with dinner at our favorite pho restaurant..... yummy!

Hope your Valentine Day was awesome and full of love!
Monday, January 17, 2011
Christmas Re-Play
Before I miss the "etiquette" updating deadline (if there is one) is a quick re-play...... This year we were sooo blessed that my parents came to us and we were spared the long jaunt up north (as you know.... we do that drive quite frequently)!
Our Christmas eve: started with last minute Christmas gift buying and runs to the grocery store... if this was Aaron's and Brennen's blog it would say, Christmas Eve: Golfed, Christmas Day: Golfed, the day after Christmas: golfed :) Yup! A-Dizzle and B-diddy lived it up at their pseudo man cave for three days straight.... but i didn't complain... my mom and i were able to gab about recent celebrity gossip, recent inspiring recipes, and decorating ideas... a time and place for no boys allowed :) Later that night we all decided to head out to the casino for some family bonding time.... who wouldn't bond after winning or losing money :)

Christmas morning was rough on our eyes.... our family was still soo sleepy from the late night. We woke in a rush to get all our Christmas presents opened so we could load the guys back up to make it to their tee time... :) I later laid back down and took a nap... and later woke up to


we did!
the remainder of the weekend was spent watching football, the guys wrestling, consuming 800 cajillion k-cups of coffee, movie quote wars (truth; aaron and my brother only speak to each other in movie quotes! - very strange) and ended with a sweaty competitive session of Let's Dance 2 on the wii (a gift to me, from my mom - thanks mom:)
I hope you had a memorable Christmas and took a lot of pictures!
XOXO, Shan :)
Sunday, January 16, 2011
Get it while it's HOT!!!
First off: these glasses I found at Pier 1 for a wopping 2.00 each..... they were 50% off... and if you know me already... polka dots??? (my meth in decor form :) Not included in the picture is a 2010 hand painted ornament with the Three Wise Men.. in it's own storage box! It was normally 12.00... i was able to get it for our tree next year for a basement price of $3.00!!!!!

this year i didn't buy anything new for our tree or house.... I like to get things on sale and couldn't imageine paying 12.99 ($3.25) for each pillow.... 9.99 ($2.50) for the platter... 2.99 (.75) for each bowl.... and 19.99 ($5.00)for the Christmas Tree decor.... all of it... GET THIS!!! was 75% off @ Tar-jay... and I was even able to get a Douglass Fir tree that was normally 200.00 dollars for 40.00 (Since the box was open they gave us an additional 20% off the fifty dollar seventy percent off price)!!! YAY!.... now to box it up and twiddle my thumbs until next year to see it :)

get out while it's hot and get some!!!
Tuesday, January 4, 2011
Answers about the video...
i then had to finally set up an iTunes account... and yes i did..... I'm not a person who owns an mp3 player or an ipod.... i still love live radio and cd's... i know pretty pathetic... once that was done i combined them on the flip software in movie mode... and added it to a vimeo account... viola... "24 hours in Flagstaff"
2. Is that dog on Brennen's lap a new addition? sorry... but as cute as she is she belongs to my brother's... she is a lover and we enjoyed every minute we got to spend with her....
3. Why were there ambulance and police at the sledding area? no cool story or explanation... when we got there a lady was sitting awkwardly from a bad landing and was eventually hauled off on a stretcher.... i definitely hope she is better!
4. Who loves polka dots? well easy question... that's me... I'm a sucker for polka dots and secretly have an obsession with them.... :)
5. Did Aaron eat that entire sushi piece he put in his mouth? haha! yes he sure did.. he is a firm believer in not taking a bite in any sushi roll.... it apparently ruins the flavor explosion.... haha!
btw.... a big THANKS for all the rave reviews.... and yes... watch out Mel and Steven, Shannon's Shaky Hand Productions are coming to get'cha!
XOXO, Shan
Monday, January 3, 2011
Good-bye 2010.... Hello 2011...
Flagstaff..... you hold my heart. from Shannon McCabe on Vimeo.
Just a little tid bit of my New Year's day!!! Aaron got me a Flip camera and have always envisioned making great home videos.... well this is not a GREAT video.... take some anti-nausea pills, grab a nice drink... and enjoy!
btw..... thanks to all my family and friends who inspire and challenge me!! <3
Love, Shannon