Brennen... he's my five year old... well he lost his first tooth!! About a month ago he began to complain that his tooth was loose and was wondering what was going on (he's sweet). Well, we explained to him about whole tooth process ... and how aaron and i both experienced it (including the tooth fairy) and he began to get more and more excited. In the meantime I did some research on the supposed etiquette on the givings of the tooth fairy ..... well I sat and wondered asking different people what they received or have given their own children... i didn't remember what i got.... some websites said 20.00... of course i gasped and said that's a little excessive....
we finally decided to give him dollars in the amount of his age (including two dollar bills) seemed pretty reasonable... i think??? so... one morning while i was helping him get ready for school.... he said mom... "my tooth wont bend back up"... so i asked him if i could pull it out... he said yes... i grabbed a washcloth and went tooth fishing... and behold... I had in my possession my son's first missing tooth!!! the excitement overwhelmed me... then the sadness.... knowing he's growing up made me sad :( .......but i pulled myself together to celebrate his courage and milestone!!
he carried his money for about four days until it burned a tiny little hole in his pocket and a big one in mine... he pitched in his 5 dollars for a twenty dollar toy....LOL!!! pretty funny i still ended up spending the twenty.... :0)