so... where was i at?? oh yeah..... day #4.... this day was easy on the charts... i bought a special person at work lunch.....she didn't expect it and was very thankful that i thought of her... it was nice.. i once again felt great... you would think that with the spending i would start to budget myself... i guess it's a little different... when you begin to own and exercise different feelings and mind processes.... i don't know... anyway when i figure it out... i will tell you....
day #5, was a day that was not planned and i actually forgot about my challenge (bad, i know)... i have a work out buddy who comes over and well on tues. she came over with her plethora of exercise dvds... and spread them out like a deck of cards with excitement...her array definately favored Billie Blanks Tae Bo....and wanted to know which video we should do... well we did two actually and about an hour and a half in we were burnt and ready to be done... so before she left i gave her one of my tae bo videos... she was happy.. once again i felt happy.... and starting to already feel sore... loved it!!
day #6, this was a day that also came down to the wire... with a hectic work life (and yes... i thank god everyday for allowing me to continue to provide for myself and my family) at times im so busy... and barely have enough time for myself... well when i got home... the house needed some tidying up...and aaron works most nights and comes home sooo late that he spends the majority of the morning resting and preparing the house for us in the evening.... so in an attempt to let him have a wonderful and stree free following morning... i maticulously cleaned... and he loves it when i am cleaning and i do it in my favorite OCD fashion... he was able to sleep in until the last minute before brennen needed to be picked up from school... he went to work rested and FULL of energy... he was full of happiness!!! he loved it and i felt wonderful!!!!
day #7, i gave two little gift packs (lotion and hand sanitizer) away to two wonderful women... i had them delivered by a friend and wasn't able to see their response... but it made me feel great.. and later was told they loved them.... i also helped brennen with his valentine cards and helped him make his two teachers bracelets... he really wanted to get them a rose... and i know i should be fostering those casanova skills... because one day he needs to make someone special feel important... well anyway... he had fun making the bracelets and even had a dream/nightmare... i was able to relate... after we all completed everything and he went to bed he was walking around in the house kind of wining... and had his hands up in a pinching motion... you know when you try something new that you were completely satisfied... and you have an OCD dream about it being perfect... and get overwhelmed... maybe that's just me....and i'm the crazy one.... anyways this was a great day... i felt great...
day #8, today was business valentine's day.. you know the last business day and people in the office celebrate it on a friday when it's actually on a saturday? ... well last night i cooked my "ancient chinese" secret cookies... and gave them out today with cards to co-workers... in an attempt to make everyone feel extra special... i actually ran out of cookies and didn't bring enough for everyone... so i need to make it up to her and bring her a plate full of cookies... so far prepping for days #9 and #10....some ideas I have had are 1. taking family out for a valentine surprise and 2. giving breakfast sandwiches and coffee to those less fortunate in phoenix, az.....
so far... that's it in a nutshell... i will continue to update you on my attempt to make a changes in my surroundings for the better... this is a great experience.... i've been starting to get creative!!!
So far this weekend we have planned... ice-skating tonight... visit with my mom and step-dad (they are coming into town tonight) and tomorrow have our infamous heart-shaped pink pancakes... a family favorite... and later that day have aaron's specialty... SUSHI... yup hand rolled for perfection with a lovely concoction of wasabi...ginger... and soy sauce!!! yummy.... Sunday.... will be church in the am ( if your interested go to; they go live on sunday via webcast at 9 and 11 am).... and off to scrapbooking class... a monthly favorite... i will post pictures of my project...... have a lovely valentine's day and weekend!!!
XOXOXOX, Shannon

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