LITERALLY!!! well this weekend was a blast, but blew by soooo fast that i am still tired and just one more
Sunday!.... here's a replay of the weekend...
So saturday we had our traditional pink pancake breakfast... which is a family favorite... and i do agree with melissa (a BFF who lives in vegas) that if i had a list of things that i desired of a future boyfriend/hubby;has to be able to make great pancakes....and not burn them... well aaron is quite the pancake connoisseur... and i'm the french toast mistress....anyway we had a wonderful breakfast and headed to brennen's soccer practice... had fun... and then on our way home i picked up a lamp at a yard sale..... that i hope to refinish and find a place in my home that's "just the right place."...from there we headed home to wait for my parents to come-back from Tucson...
Once dinner wrapped-up aaron and i went with the rest of the crew to a bar... realizing they were being very diligent in checking ID's and a friend forgot her's and had to run home and pick it
up... they did try though... they stuck their heads together and tried to get in as siamese twins... which was pretty hilarious... they sure made the bouncer a happy-camper...he said that was the first he heard that one....
we all followed each other over to the club and danced .... danced..... danced...... and danced.... and danced...... i haven't been out in a while ... so i was a little rusty... but with the assistance of great music... friends.... and the ambiance of crowded venue... i was hooked.... so hooked i was sore the next day!!! LOL... we got home around three am sunday morning... and crashed out!!!
Sunday!.... here's a replay of the weekend...
on friday...aaron brought me 4 dozen red roses.... he has always been the flower-giving kind of guy... but has always kept me on my toes and surprises me; everytime... he literally pretends in the morning before i leave that he's going back to bed... he's very quiet... that i actually buy it and leave to work thinking... this sucks he doesn't even want to go do anything for lunch.... then bam!!! I found my surprise strategically placed in my office with a red "love" caterpillar sitting in my chair!! he's cute!!! .... :0)
i had a difficult time deciding what to get him... he's the kind of guy that lives pretty minimally and is satisfied with the smallest things... however i decided to buy him and brennen two rounds of golf (not sure if the lingo is right), well anyway they went golfing and were pretty stoked and happy with their present.... they were able to partake in some father-son bonding time... which they love and i respect.... aaron really enjoyed that and this friday i have purchased him a round alone... so he can do it without brennen... to have some "him" time.... hope he likes it....
aaron and i were blessed that this was a weekend my parents were here and we were able to have valentine's day out....alone.... brennen was pretty upset that he wasn't going with us... but we explained to him that there is a lot of kids that were going to be staying home that very night.. so all the moms and dads can have a special night out... well our night started at Ah So... a teppanyaki restaurant.. that was tons of fun and PACKED!!! we met some friends there and had dinner (one of my friends was celebrating her birthday).... we even were able to get the other table half to participate in the "wave.." good times... 
up... they did try though... they stuck their heads together and tried to get in as siamese twins... which was pretty hilarious... they sure made the bouncer a happy-camper...he said that was the first he heard that one....
so in the mean time we waited and got our drink on... sans alcohol... so sugar-free redbull and cranberry came to the rescue... which i have to admit was pretty tasty... the bar was pretty slow... so we headed over to another just down the street... which was starting to liven up... they had a tribute band playing... and believe me I AM A HUGE FAN OF LIVE MUSIC ESP.... tribute bands... after they played a couple of songs it was time to meet my friends back over at the other bar... so we headed back... which was showcasing some local comedians... i think we were funnier than them... but oh well... great dj and music choices... i then began to get my dance on....then on... then on.... then on... then was soo pumped up on adrenaline and going on my second red bull and cranberry... i agreed to head to an actual club to get my dance on again!!!

Sunday: due to the lack of my planning... my parents woke-up all bright-eyed and bushy tailed (they spent the evening having a valentine's cook-out for brennen) and wanted to visit with us before they left.... my dad wanted aaron to go with him to do some manly things (get their SUV serviced and detailed and help my dad find a place to get a hair cut) aaron pulled himself out of bed and went happily... i woke up and chatted with my mom... made her coffee... and yes a big cup for myself..... and not too long later it was time for me to get ready to head to my scrapbooking class with the girls... it was fun... i was stumped for a little while...they gave me a choice!! thats my kryptonite.... usually i am buzzing through class... then they give shannon choice... that means OCD kicks in full swing... i bob and weave between options... changing my mind at the last minute... but it turned out well... we made customized frames to match our home decor... and it sure is pretty... i just need to get a picture in it.... another weakness of mine... i usually hang frames without pictures... A.. because i don't want them to get nicked... B. i buy all frames for spaces and not for pictures... so i laugh every time i have someone visiting and i have to say the "Burbs" line... "it came with the frame"... but i am planning on picking the pictures for the frames and get them printed and have them in place by this weekend....
afterwards.... went home and took a nap!!!! off to the pm session of church... and back home to relax... but i still don't feel rested... but had a blast... truly.... good times...
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