believe me.... i was one happy mommy when brennen came home from school with this picture... not only do they have to wear a uniform... but a white shirt?? of course you know with school pictures you have to pay for them in advance.....so i wrote the check on complete faith....well this time it paid off!!! :)
This picture means sooo much to me... not only because it's his first year... but to see him smiling at school.... in the beginning of the school year aaron and i would torture ourselves and brennen each time we tried to drop him off.... he would cry and not want to stay.... sometimes we would either sit in the class with him for 45 minutes to an hour or leave him crying .....
one time....aaron and i took him to school together and we said good-bye...and began walking down the hall... we heard him crying and begin coming in our direction... so aaron and i dove into a room... in hopes he would see that we left and go back to his class.... yup sure enough we heard his cry come and heard it going back.... NOPE!!.. he went back into the class to get his new kung-fu panda backpack and started running back out again!!!! we felt sooo bad... but now we are sooo proud of him... and we love his picture!!!!
wow... he's growing up fast!