Really... these are paper bags.... not only have they become my favorite scrap-booking style...they are sooo easy to create!!!! the above paper bag book was designed by my wonderful teacher susan mast... and from there i kind of took her lead and created many more... so far i have a san diego....sea world... disneyland.... and one for my cat and dog...

The nice thing about them is that they are so versatile and you can add onto them... also a huge bonus.. .is that they have pockets that can hold even more slide cards with photos..or other souvenirs... the one above is a book of our san diego adventures...busting with pictures from the beach and other things we did along the pier.... it also has areas to journal memories and quotes that made the trip memorable... try it... super easy... and REALLY CUTE!!!!
Love this San Diego book! Hope to see you post more of your work! Hugs!!!