so i sit here and realize that march is already over!!! wow... where did it go? however it's sure nice and relaxing to return to the blogging world....... Here's a recap....
1. First of all, i finished my 29 day challenge. (29 days of giving).. and boy was it a great experience!!! i gave ....many dollar bills...water and food to people at stop signs... gifts to loved ones and strangers... notes of appreciation... even two of the four dozens roses (from valentine's)to a man that couldn't afford to give his wife flowers on valentine's day....etc.... all in all .... it was a rewarding experience and i plan on doing it again soon... (as i pat myself on my back... at times it was difficult to be creative....)..
2. one of my bff's from vegas came to visit me... although short and sweet... it was definately jam-packed and full of laughs and girl talk....i picked her up at the airport on a friday evening... returned back home... took a nap... went out for thai food .. one of melissa and i's favorites....grabbed some ice cream... rented a movie (which by the way was HORRIBLE.... suburban girl) and did pedicures and manicures... and finally ended the night with cookies and milk... :) the next day i dropped her off at the botanical gardens and gave her a big hug goodbye... can't wait to see her again!!!

3. on the 19th ....i turned 30!!!.. i was definately feeling a little strange... maybe a little scared... but it came and went ....and i still feel great... i did ask aaron if i needed to start applying anti-wrinkle cream... of course he was nice and said no... i was taken back ... realizing that i've celebrated 17 birthdays with aaron!!!!... time sure flies by...
the day started with my poor... tired ...hubby (who gets off in the wee hours of the morning) making me breakfast.... he was a little upset that i woke up and he wasn't able to surprise me in bed....i was still extremely impressed with breakfast..

since my birthday fell on a work-day ...i finished breakfast and headed to work... and since i had a half day off ... the day flew by even faster.... that after i returned home... i was greeted with flowers.. balloons... and a new camera.... which i was super stoked!!! i take my point and shoot camera everywhere... so it has taken a beating... well ....i was delighted with all the new features of my camera and how nice it was!!! thanks!!

Our night ended with dinner out at Ah-so.... (and while i'm thinking about it.... we have been on a japanese kick)... which was tons of fun!! we had a crazy cook that made many strange sounds.... and was very interactive with our party... we had a blast!!!

the month was also filled with....... brennen's soccer practice and his first season game... which they won!!! YAY!!! 4-0.... he did great!!!.. aaron and i were able to see a play out in peoria... hit up a couple of trips to the golf course... dinner and arcade fun at dave and buster's... a quick trip to tuba city.. and a couple of visits to flag to visit friends...attended a baby shower for our dear friends Carissa and Nick...viewing of Monsters Vs. Aliens at the IMAX... and we started phase one of our spring cleaning and organizing this month... hopefully we will be done soon.... this month was extremely busy... but i loved every minute of it!!
Happy Belated Birthday Shannon! I'm so proud of you for completing 29 days of giving. You go girl!!! Good to see you back blogging again! :)